brewery park at tumwater falls
Today was a loverly fall day. Bit of sun, temps in the low 60s. I had some errands to run, but decided to grab the camera and stop by Brewery Park along the way. You would be forgiven for thinking this is a city park, but it actually a private park maintained by the Olympia Tumwater Foundation.
The park is along the Deschutes river, where it terminates at Capitol Lake before hitting the Puget Sound, and as such it’s a vital part of the spawning route for Chinook and Coho salmon as they make their way upstream. They have a small hatchery here, you can see the salmon ladders that were built to help them make it up different portions of the river.
It’s a great little park, and very close to home. I need to try and start taking regular walks down here to get back in a groove I think.