Category: featured


marshed mallows

This is a treat I think I first found through Alton Brown’s Good Eats show. Well, I knew what marshmallows were before that, but this is the recipe that got me interested in making...

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an idea born in nature

Around 2016 I was on a solo hike along the North Fork Skokomish River, near Lake Cushman in the Olympics and while I enjoy hiking with others, there are times I really just want...

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quinoa pizza crust – revisited

I have been making this crust occasionally for nearly 10 years now (originally posted July 10, 2014), and I admit, it’s not one that I’ve particularly perfected, but one I do keep coming back...


outdoor cooking – the grill station

I’ve always enjoyed grilling, and when we moved into our new place back in May, one of the first things I did was hop online and find a used Weber kettle someone was getting...

sliced bread 1

no knead bread – the ongoing saga

Updates: October 2020 – moved post to pickledboar.comApril 2020 – an update to yeast options and making your own starter.March 2020 – now includes an option for proofing using an InstantPot. Bread. There’s a...

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lunch to go

After years of using my phone as my primary camera, I recently picked up an actual camera, camera. I snagged a really good deal on a Nikon Coolpix B600 with 60X zoom. I stopped...

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NSAIDS and bariatric surgery

If you’re a bariatric patient, you’ve probably heard the “NO NSAIDS” mantra. When you ask “why not?”, the general response is “they can cause ulcers” or something along those lines. Which is true… but do...