Category: photography


bird watching on the coast

We took an afternoon drive to Ocean Shores, starting out with a trek along the beach at Oyhut Wildlife Recreation Area. Didn’t see much in the way of birds there except for the cormorant...


try, try again

When planning a trip to the outdoors, it can help to have a backup plan. And a backup to the backup. We had planned to go out to the coast with some friends, but...


meet the neighbors

Just up the block, the corner lot has a fairly large, open yard with a large apple tree. Coming home I saw there were these two relaxing, so I went and grabbed my camera...


blue (sky) moon

I took the following photos of the moon a few hours apart at full zoom. I couldn’t get over the amount of detail I was able to pick up with this camera. I found...

hawk looking to side 0

lunch to go

After years of using my phone as my primary camera, I recently picked up an actual camera, camera. I snagged a really good deal on a Nikon Coolpix B600 with 60X zoom. I stopped...