ah! the great outdoors... (remember; take only pictures, leave only foot prints)

Deception Pass
Deception Pass, Whidbey/Fidalgo Islands

I love the outdoors. It’s one of the main reasons I moved from Minnesota to Washington back in 2014. As much as Minnesota has to offer, Washington is like Minnesota on steroids.

Mount Rainier
Mount Rainier

I’ve joked with friends that I can drive a couple hours, go play in the snow and come home without having to worry about shoveling it. Then turn around the next day, drive a couple hours and drip my toes in the Pacific Ocean. I haven’t, because the water would be really cold. But I could.

So from time to time I will be sharing the great outdoors. It could be in the form of photos from trips, or maybe sharing some thoughts on the gear I either use or want to get. Check out some of the latest posts below.