Tagged: series

Deception Pass Bridge 0

lessons learned: not a straight line

Reaching that summit is not a “straight line”. Weight loss doesn’t happen in a straight line. Even when maintaining, your weight can tend to fluctuate up and down. And when it comes to climbing...


lessons learned: be prepared

Be prepared for things to not go as planned You’ve likely heard the phrase, hope for the best but prepare for the worst, at some point. Or at least something similar. That’s sort of what I’m...

Mabry Mill 0

lessons learned: have a plan…

… but be open to the possibilities. I have been leading an hiking/outdoors group on Meetup for about a number of years now, and was an event host for a couple years before that....

fungi 0

an idea born in nature

Around 2016 I was on a solo hike along the North Fork Skokomish River, near Lake Cushman in the Olympics and while I enjoy hiking with others, there are times I really just want...